Moments 06.2023
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June was a beautiful month. The weather was cooler than usual but we still enjoyed hiking, visiting with family, and swimming almost every day!

“I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.”
Welcome to “Moments” here on JoyFoodSunshine. At the end of every month I share a recap of our family’s favorite moments! So here it is for June 2023.
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Life Lately
June was a beautiful month here. The weather was a little cooler than average but we still enjoyed hiking, visiting with family, and swimming almost every day!
Swim Team
I can’t remember if I’ve shared this, but I grew up swimming. My entire life revolved around the pool from age 8 up until college. I swam on a team, taught swim lessons, and worked at the snack bar when I was young. Then I became a lifeguard, pool manager and swim coach.
The pool I grew up at – called Maple Hill – was the only place in my childhood where I had only positive memories. It was so special and unique and I am certain it was unlike anywhere else on earth. It was the source of so much joy for so many years.
All that being said – I want that same joy and fun and community for my children. Again, I don’t believe anywhere will be anything close to the tight-knit family feel of Maple Hill, but I figure why not (in a small way) re-live the absolute best parts of my young life vicariously through my children! haha! I’m just being honest – we all do it to some extent or another right?
Anyway – our new neighborhood has a swim team and my kids have been enjoying it this summer. It’s similar to the league I swam in during the summer, and it has been so much fun to be part of. I’m hoping I can contribute more to the team next year now that I know the ropes a little bit!
It has also helped the kids make a few friends in our new neighborhood – which has been much needed and so great.
Summer Fun!
We have just been enjoying having Ritch home this summer. I cannot believe his 2 month sabbatical flew right by. I am definitely not ready (not at all) to have him go back to work July 1. I could cry just thinking about it.
We went to our town’s fair with some friends and had a blast. Z was very unnerved by all the lights and noise at first. But after (gently) making him go on a few rides with his siblings he was all about it and had so much fun.
We got our annual funnel cake (which was like the best funnel cake we’ve ever had in our lives haha). And just enjoyed a beautiful night making memories. This is Naomi and her sweet bestie riding a ride at the fair!
We basically spend every (nice – not stormy) day at the pool. It was such a treat to have Ritch home to go together.
Z is my little water baby. He just loves the pool and makes everything so much fun.
Ritch took the kids camping with friends Father’s Day weekend. They had a blast, even though they didn’t sleep much! 🙂
A new season
I said goodbye to my nursery this month, which has been my most favorite place in the whole world for 13 years.
Ritch built this crib while I was pregnant with my first child, and it has been in constant use since the day she was born. The sadness over taking it down was overwhelming. I felt literally heavy under the weight of it.
I absolutely adore the newborn/baby phase. I have spent countless hours over the years snuggling my babies to sleep, nursing them and soaking in every moment of motherhood.
I don’t feel whole without a baby on my hip – and I know it will take time for that to subside. I received 6 good and perfect gifts from the Lord and I can honestly say I have not taken one second for granted.
Now I’m focusing on enjoying the joys of this new season. We’ve stayed up late and gone on long trips and so many other things that were challenging with babies.
Zach moved out of the nursery into a room with Keilah, and Bethany (our oldest) got her own room. I think this will be a positive change for everyone, but it will take some getting used to.
Ritch built these bunk beds when Naomi was born and it was time for Bethany and Gabe to share a room when they were ages 4 and 2. This photo reminds me so much of them.
Things I’m loving
Here are some things I’ve been loving lately…
- These pants are my absolute favorite thing I’ve purchased in a while. I wear them all the time – they are so comfy and cute! Paige Brooklyn High Waist Crop Wide Leg Pants.
- Organic Sheets. I had to buy a few sets of new sheets in the room shuffle, and these are affordable, organic and so soft!
Life thoughts
I wanted to share this article: When Words are Wind by John Piper. While we have enjoyed having Ritch home – our sabbatical has not been the restful break from ministry we so desperately needed.
It has been challenging in some regards – but in others it has been so, so good. Our family has clarity from God about the future of our ministry and focus of the next season.
I have so much I want to say here, however I’ll keep it brief and admonish my fellow Christians to read this article.
The last year has been a difficult one – and we have been met with judgement, graceless legalism, hurt and rejection from people we trusted. However, we wholeheartedly believe that God has been sanctifying us for more effective future ministry and life – and we are ready.
Our senior pastor at the church we served in IL taught us many things. One piece of wisdom he shared with us was “You won’t be surprised that attacks come, but you will be surprised from who they come.” We feel like we finally understand what he was teaching us. We have also been blown away by the Psalms – reading them in a new light. It’s incredible how God’s word speaks directly into our lives.
“My companion stretched out his hand against his friends… His speech was smooth as butter, yet war was in his heart; his words were softer than oil, yet they were drawn swords. Cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.”
Psalm 55:20-21
I have been reflecting on the life of Joseph and Genesis 50:20 when he said to his brothers – “As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good.” It struck me that many people recall this verse and replace the word “meant” with “uses.” God “uses” evil for our good. But that’s not what it says. It says that God meant the evil brought on by others for our good.
I believe god meant or intended the evil aimed at us in this season. It didn’t just happen to us and then God did what he could with a bad situation. He ordained it to be so for His glory and his good purposes.
I’ve also been struck with the absolute peace of the Lord. I’m looking forward to sharing more in the future. But for now I am grateful to the Lord for the gift of my family, my close friends and His word!
“When my enemies come to see me,
they speak falsely, while their hearts gather slander;
then they go out and spread it around.
They whisper together against me;
they imagine the worst for me…Even my close friend, someone I trusted,
one who shared my bread, has turned against me.But may you have mercy on me, Lord…
Psalm 41
I know that you are pleased with me,
for my enemy does not triumph over me.
Because of my integrity you uphold me
and set me in your presence forever.
Here are some extra snapshots from June!
Our family came to visit for a few days in the beginning of the month. It truly was so wonderful spending time with them!
We swam at the pool, hiked and just enjoyed being together. I am blessed to have in-laws like them that I just love being with!
Z is 2, and I still give him bottles and rock him to sleep at night and I am not sorry for it. I just am so grateful that he still needs his momma. The end of my baby years has not been an easy thing for me to come to terms with. So I am just trying to enjoy it as much as possible.
More camping pics…
I went on a date with my sister from another mister to The Copper Onion. I had only eaten there one other time when I was pregnant (and all I remember from that night was how much I loved the pickles LOL)! But it’s safe to say I will be back – everything was just so delicious!
Just so grateful for friends in ministry. <3
Another plug for a local business – Alpha coffee! My friend came to swim and brought me an iced coffee – totally made my day!
We discovered we have a mulberry tree in our yard and the kids LOVE it!
Living their best life. This is what most days look like for us!
Our friends made up this super fun volleyball game and one night we played for 2+ hours – I think I laughed the entire time. Summer, please never end!
Lovely blog I must say! One question regarding the sleeping arrangements you mentioned, how did you get the kids to sleep independently? You probably have a ton of experience so please feel free to share them!
Also how old are you? I’m 35 and afraid to have more kids. Do you think age puts a restrain in child rearing? Thanks!