Moments 08.2023

By Laura
Posted Sep 04, 2023, Updated Nov 04, 2023
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This month we started the school year while simultaneously clinging to every last moment of summer warmth and sunshine.

“I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.”
Welcome to “Moments” here on JoyFoodSunshine. At the end of every month I share a recap of our family’s favorite moments! So here it is for August 2023.
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Life Lately
August was a full month for our family. We started our homeschool year while still playing at the pool every day. Ritch and I celebrated our anniversary, and Ritch & Gabe went on an amazing trip to Glacier.
Ritch and I celebrated our 16th anniversary this month! There is no one else I’d rather have by my side. I am grateful for the husband, father and man that he is. My life would be so different (and not better) if the Lord hadn’t graciously gifted him to me as a partner and friend!
We went to a wedding on our anniversary – but slipped out after the ceremony to celebrate!
As a result of our co-op schedule, we had to start school earlier than I would have preferred this month. Since we wrapped up our year in late April and have enjoyed the best summer break, I was not ready to jump into school (at all).
However, my kids were ready! One morning, when I was planning on only getting my oldest started, all my other kids came to the table with their math and asked to do their first lesson. I even said “I don’t want to start school,” but I was overruled.
Bethany started 7th grade (gasp). She is such a kind and beautiful young woman (inside and out). I am grateful to be her mom, and look forward to seeing how she grows this year as she takes on new challenges in both school and life!
My other kids are in 5th, 3rd, 1st and preschool. Check out this post: Daily Homeschool Schedule for my curriculum recommendations and more.
Last year I was very focused on finishing school early – so we took very little breaks and worked really hard. However, this year I’m going to focus more on grace and fun.
My kids are all doing great academically, so I am going to try to be a little more relaxed this year. Obviously, I hope to keep them on track and we will finish our curriculum (I’m too Type A for it to be any other way) – but with more fun along the way. I already have 3 trips planned from now until April, two of which are pretty significant. So I’m hopeful we can have a good mix of fun and learning and re-balance the scales a little bit this year.
I’m not sure how it’s possible, but this little nugget gets cuter by the second. Some notable things from this month:
He become a total fish. Swimming without floaties with joy and ease. It is an absolute pleasure to watch and makes my heart so happy.
He learned that my name is Laura. The way he says it melts me into a puddle. At first he didn’t understand. He asked, “Me, Laura?” and I said “No, you are Zach.” Then he said, “Mara, Laura?” So I had to clarify that I have two names – Mommy and Laura. I loved watching him finally understand the concept.
I bought him a learning guitar and he walks around playing it all the time. Specifically “Pharaoh, Pharaoh” and “One Way” which were songs played at our church’s kids camp this year.
Snuggle time is changing a little bit, which I expected but it still makes me a little sad. He will often fall mostly asleep on his own, then roll over and snuggle with me once he’s out. I will take every minute I can before I become obsolete, and I’m grateful I still get these sweet times.
Ritch and Gabe went to backcountry camping in Glacier National Park for a week. We started a tradition with Bethany of taking the kids on a trip once they turn 10. I took Bethany to Chicago, and Gabe chose to go camping at Glacier with Ritch.
Ritch and I did this trip before we had kids, and made a photo journal about our experiences. The kids read it often, and have for many years – which is what prompted Gabe to choose Glacier!
They were in the backcountry and hiked almost 10 miles every day. They carried everything they needed on their backs, only brought one pair of clothes, and lived their best lives. It was a little rainy the first day but they ended up having great weather after that. Gabe’s tank was absolutely full when they came home, and I’m so glad they got the chance to do this together.
Things I’m loving
Here are some things I’ve been loving lately…
- This song – a friend of mine has the most beautiful voice, and is a talented song writer. She sent me this song during a time when God was pressing the exact message it teaches deeply on my heart.
- Chocolate chip cookies – always and forever our favorite.
Life & Faith
Our family is still healing from some pretty difficult ministry trauma (which is something most ministry families have suffered through – your pastor, his wife and his family are humans).
I’ve clung to the Word – which constantly reminds me that we are not alone and so many have gone before us and experienced the same things we have: Friends who turn to enemies. People who claim to love but instead expose and destroy. Pride blinding hearts and minds. Wrong being considered right and everything feeling upside down.
Like the glaze covering an earthen vessel
Proverbs 24: 23-26
are fervent lips with an evil heart.
Whoever hates disguises himself with his lips
and harbors deceit in his heart;
when he speaks graciously, believe him not,
for there are seven abominations in his heart;
though his hatred be covered with deception,
his wickedness will be exposed in the assembly.
One thing that has been very heavy on my heart (which I mentioned in my July Moments post too), is people doing objectively awful things and claiming they are out of “love.”
So many have such a skewed view of what gospel and biblical love really is. This quote from David Jeremiah spoke to me – What you do determines how (and if) you love – plain and simple. We feel hopeful for better days ahead, but this season will forever leave a scar.
Ritch and I flew out of town for a few days, and my sister-in-law and niece flew in to watch our kids. My kids absolutely adore both of them and it was such a gift to get to see them before they moved out of the country a few weeks later.
I’ve been wanting to go to this balloon festival since we moved to UT. We went two mornings in a row (woke the kids up at 6 AM on both of our days off, haha) but both days the weather prevented the balloons from flying. We will try again next year!
My boys waiting for haircuts.
Date night!
Date night with good friends always fills my soul.
Gabe took golf lessons with friends and really enjoyed learning a new sport!
These sweet beauties on their first day of co-op this year. So grateful they get to be in a class together.
“A friend loves at all times, and a [sister] is born for adversity.” Proverbs 17:17.
While Ritch and Gabe were out of town my friend came over and we had a “stay at home date” while my kids watched a movie in the basement. We ordered takeout and spent hours talking. It was a highlight of my month. I’m so grateful to be fully known and loved by, and fully know and love such a beautiful person inside and out.
We had our swim team banquet and Gabe won the MVP award for the year! He was the boy who scored the most points for the team! Way to go G!
I just love this photo B took of her and Z.
The last two weeks of August have been my absolute favorite. The pool is open but all the other kids are in school. So, we wake up early and finish our school, then go swim and enjoy the warmth and sunshine. One day we were sitting eating lunch and B said, “We have a lucky life.” I agree, B!