Moments 08.2024

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August was a full month! We spent time with dear friends, traveled and started our homeschool year.

“I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.”

Welcome to โ€œMomentsโ€ here on JoyFoodSunshine. This is when I pause my usual recipe content, and take time to share our family’s favorite moments from the month – here are some highlights from August 2024.

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Things I’m Loving

Here are some things I’ve been loving lately. And a side note – to see a comprehensive list of my favorite things – check out my Amazon Storefront! I update it regularly.

A typical homeschool scene

Recipes I’m Making on Repeat

Here are some recipe I made this month.

Life & Faith

This summer we were blessed to spend a lot of time with lifelong friends who are very dear to us, and it was a healing balm for my soul!

To fully know and love someone through multiple versions of themselves, and to be truly known and loved in the same way, is a incredible blessing and gift. I am so grateful for the time we got to spend with so many people we love so dearly.

It started with our friends and their 6 kids visiting us in the beginning of the month. We visited them in the spring in Texas, and our kids became instant best friends. So, it was a HUGE gift to get to see them again so soon.

Ariel and I have been friends since high school. She was instrumental in my early years as a believer and is someone I feel supremely blessed to call a friend.

One of my babysitters agreed to watch our twelve kids so we could go on a date and it was the highlight of my year! Getting to catch up and encourage each other was one of my top 3 favorite nights of 2024.

We went hiking, made s’mores, swam at the pool and enjoyed being together. Some people just feel like home – and their family absolutely is that for us.

We downloaded a video messaging app so our kids could stay connected between visits. Keilah and Zach even each named one of their stuffed animals after two of Ariel’s daughters. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Also in the beginning of the month we had the blessing of a visit from a couple that was in our youth group 15 years ago and then got married. It was such a gift to get to see them again and meet their beautiful children.

Ritch, Bethany and Gabe also went on a missions trip to Ireland. We have a ministry partner there and our family helped their church put on a kids camp just like the one we hosted in Utah in July.

Our extended family, who currently lives abroad, met Ritch in Ireland to help too. This was the highlight of the month for Bethany and Gabe. To get to serve and explore a new place with their cousins, aunt and uncle was a huge gift. It was the first time they traveled internationally and it was so great for them.


We started homeschool this month! It’s the first year I am teaching all six kids because Zach started preschool. Unlike previous years, we hit the ground running and it feels really good. I usually start slower, but we were all ready to just jump right in. Plus, we have a handful of trips planned this year so I wanted to get a strong start and be ahead for those.

I listed a the curriculum we use in my Amazon Storefront since that is a question I receive often. If you have any other questions about homeschooling – please don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments below.


Keilah finished her reading curriculum and is doing so well reading books. I am blown away by how much she has grown in her ability and love of reading.

To celebrate, Keilah wanted to “go out for ice cream with Grace and James.” So we made it happen for her! I’m so grateful for these sweet friends my kids have!

Aquarium date with 3 of my most favorite people!

Our first week of homeschool – K reading to Z!

Our friends run a trout farm in Northern Utah, and we took a trip to visit them this month. It was absolutely breathtaking and so interesting to learn how they raise trout for incredible restaurants in Park City and Salt Lake City! Check them out here:

That’s it! How was your August? If you’ve made it this far, leave a comment and let me know how your month was! I love hearing from you!

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      1. Hey Holly! My kids start playing sports at age 5 with cross country and swim team. Some of them play other sports like volleyball and basketball. We also hike often, go for walks, go swimming, etc. In the winter we ski at least once a week!