Moments 03.2021

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Moments 03.2021 JoyFoodSunshine – I feel like I found my groove as a mom of 6. Ritch got the kids back out on the slopes and we enjoyed a relatively non-eventful month. 

“I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.”

Welcome to “Moments” here on JoyFoodSunshine. At the end of every month I share a recap of our family’s favorite moments!  Here’s a snapshot of our life from March 2021!

Life with my tribe

This month I feel like I found my groove as a mom of 6 – well, for the most part. Ritch got the kids back out on the slopes and we enjoyed a relatively non-eventful month. 

Baby Zach (11 weeks)

My little Z baby is 11 weeks old and we love him more every day. This month he found his hands and loves to look at them quizzically and then put them in his mouth. He still hates tummy time, and I know I should be better about making sure he gets it but I just hate hearing him cry – I’m still a softie even after 6 babies. 

He has been smiling so much more, which makes my mommy heart happy. He smiles the most for Bethany though, every time she looks in his eyes and sweetly says, “Hi Zach” he lights up. After mommy, I’m pretty sure she’s his favorites (sorry dad LOL)!

Sleeping & Nursing

Whenever I think Z has found his groove he has an off night and I’m back to questioning everything I thought I knew about babies and sleep! 😉 But honestly he has been sleeping pretty consistently from 10 until 5 am (which I consider sleeping through the night because I get up at 5 anyway), so I’m hoping it sticks and becomes our new pattern! 

He is nursing like a champ and getting more efficient. Honestly, I don’t love nursing and it’s more of a labor of love for me…so I’m grateful that he is doing so well. 

2 months postpartum

Wow I’m tired. I’ve been running on 4-5 hours of sleep a night with espresso coursing through my veins to get through the day. I have never had the easiest time sleeping – so even when Zach sleeps well (which is most nights) there are times I lay awake for hours not being able to go to sleep, watching the clock tick by knowing I’ll have to get up to feed him soon. Knowing your baby is asleep and not being able to fall asleep is maddening!

I try to remind myself we’re so close to reaching a more normal schedule, but sometimes the days seem daunting – with homeschool and all the other commitments in our life. So I am just trying to give myself grace and again, remind myself this is a season. I try to pause and enjoy Zach when he is awake and happy instead of getting things done during those slots. The weather is warming up and so we’ve been trying to get outside as much as possible which has been so great. 

Physically I feel really good. I’m slowly rebuilding my strength and endurance – but these things take time and I won’t push my body at all really. When I get tired running, I walk. When I don’t feel strong enough to lift a certain amount of weight, I don’t. Right now my reason for exercising is for my mental health way more than my than physical health – getting up, having quiet alone time and moving my body helps me so much. 

Date with N

Ritch and I have a schedule where we alternate taking the kids out one-on-one, and those moments are some of my favorites. We had taken a break during the end of my pregnancy and since Z was born, but we resumed our date schedule and I kicked it off by taking Naomi out. 

She wanted to go to Village Baker for lunch which is one of our favorite restaurants. She is such a little lover and has the sweetest heart. We sat there together and I asked her a bunch of questions about her favorite things, her heart, her dreams. She is so fun to be with it was a highlight of my month for sure. 

It was a beautiful day, so after lunch we went on a walk around the lake in our neighborhood. I waited until this point in the date to ask her how we could love her better on a daily basis (an important question to ask your kids). Her answer was, “More snuggles, and hugs, and snuggles and even MORE snuggles.” LOL This kid’s love language is definitely physical touch. So I stopped right there and gave her a super long hug and kiss and told her we would definitely be able to do that for her! 🙂 


Ritch took the three big kids skiing at Deer Valley again this month. Our amazing neighbor went along as well to help Naomi and they all had an absolute blast. I am so grateful to be able to enjoy the mountains during the winter time. I had hoped that I’d be able to get out on the slopes this year, but with nursing and not being a great skier (I just learned last year and only skied one day before everything closed down), and the fact that ski season will be over in a few weeks, I decided I should focus on providing opportunities for the big kids and wait to jump into it myself next season. 

Bethany found a picture of herself learning to ski last season on a sign and she thought it was pretty great!

Deer Valley has the best hot chocolate – so if you visit make sure to grab a cup (or two). 

A few of my favorite things…

Here are a few things I have loved lately!

  • Still in love with this dry shampoo. I’ve been using it for over a  year now and it’s my favorite – plus I love that it’s made with natural ingredients and not loaded with chemicals! 🙂 I feel like it deserves an honorable mention since I’ve used it way more in these postpartum months! 
  • Dry Erase Tracing Book: Ok I don’t know how I didn’t find this tracing book sooner. When it comes to teaching my kids their letters, I always felt like I wasted so many workbooks/printables on tracing. Well this dry erase tracing book is the perfect solution to that problem. Plus Mara loves using it! 


Recipes I’m Making on Repeat

Here are a few recipes we enjoyed in the beginning of this year! I have taken approximately ZERO photos of food since Zach was born, so I’ll just list them out for you guys!


Here are some snapshots of our life this month! 

The girls are very into going to sleep with wet braids in their har so they can wake up and…..

….have crimpy hair like this! 🙂 Straight-up 80s and I LOVE IT!


One of my favorite pictures of all time – K and Z. 

loves his bath and Bethany – and since she gives him a bath every night (per her own request she loves doing it), this might be his favorite time of the day. 

Pre-Church selfie! 

Pigtail sweetie! 

Swim lessons! 


Sleeping in his brother’s arms. 

Hello Z! 

I still snuggle this little one to sleep every day – love her stuffed animal party. 

Brothers melting my heart! 

Squishy K! 

And again! 

loves B! 


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