Moments 03.2024

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March was a wonderful month! We made lots of memories!

“I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.”

Welcome to โ€œMomentsโ€ here on JoyFoodSunshine. At the end of every month I share a recap of our family’s favorite moments! So here it is for March 2024!

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Things I’m loving

Here are some things I’ve been loving lately:

Life Lately

This month was a fairly normal month! We skied, got so close to finishing our homeschool year, and celebrated Easter!


We enjoyed a family ski day to Deer valley. The weather was a little dicey (low visibility, lots of snow) but we had the best day. We all love Deer Valley so much.


We went to our neighborhood Easter egg hunt with our friends even though it was raining, and everyone still had a blast. Zach refused to pick up eggs and clung to my leg instead, but everyone else had so much fun! ๐Ÿ™‚

The next day was Easter and it was just wonderful. We attended our church’s Easter service then went out to brunch.

We hid the kids’ Easter baskets and these Resurrection Eggs (we’ve had them for over a decade now) around the house for a small little hunt at home. Then we came home from brunch and talked through the story of Easter with the eggs (we do this for a few weeks leading up to the day). We love getting dressed up and spending special time together as a family, and that’s just what we did!

Life & Faith

For so long (so long), I have known I was planted where I was supposed to be, but never felt it was a safe place to bloom. The environment was dark, and it was a personal season of hiddenness in the Lord. But now everything feels so different in so many wonderful ways.

Reflecting on the last 10 years of life and ministry has been amazing. I’ve seen how God has been at work, preparing me for this past season, which definitely felt like winter. He was growing me strong to withstand a storm.

As I thought about blooming flowers, I thought about sepals. Sepals are the green leafy structures that protect the unopened bud. As the flower matures and grows, the sepals give way to the petals and viola, you have a beautiful, colorful bloom.

My sepals have (mostly) protected me from so much harm. But the Lord provided a supernatural pruning which paved the way for a new phase of life and ministry – a spring. One where beauty reigns and fear has no place. A season of authentic living amongst grace-filled, kindhearted people. With a strong stem of a trusted support system and roots dug deep into the soil, spring is coming and I feel so much anticipation for what lies ahead this year.


The kids had their piano recital for the year and did great. Their besties even came to watch them play!

I got to celebrate my beautiful friend’s new baby and threw her a shower! It was the best day and it was so great celebrating her!

We went on a double date with our friends and it was a highlight of my month! We went to a new-to-us restaurant that ended up being very delicious! We all got extra dressed up and enjoyed catching up with each other! I’m so grateful for them in so many ways!

Well that’s all she wrote! If you made it this far, leave me a comment below! How was your March? Are there any questions I could answer for you about cooking, life, etc?

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