Moments 06.2018

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June was a pretty great month for our family! We splashed in the pool, hiked in the mountains, and got to spend some quality time with family!  So here it is, Moments 06.2018.

Moments 06.2018 JoyFoodSunshine

“I can’t remember all the times I tried to tell myself to hold on to these moments as they pass.”

Welcome to “Moments” here on JoyFoodSunshine. At the end of every month I share a recap of all the shenanigans that went down in crazy town (i.e. my life in a nutshell).  So here it is for June 2018!

Recipe love:

Here are a few must-share recipes from the month of June from my favorite spots around the web!

Kale & White Bean Pesto Salad from Budget Bytes {Totally my kind of salad}

Best Turkey Burger from The Cookie Rookie {BBQ Perfection}

Lemon Yogurt Bundt Cake from Feasting on Fruit {Lemon and summer are a match made in heaven}

Lemon Garlic Herb Salmon from Cooking Classy {Must-Make ASAP}

Lemon Pound Cake + Cherry Trifles from The Kitchen McCabe {Stunning}!

Posting schedule/New Recipe Videos

If you’ve noticed, I have reduced my posting from 2 recipes per week to 1 new recipe post per week. There are many reasons I made this choice, here are three…

  1. I love summer and want to soak in every day with my kids (i.e. we’re living at the pool and I LOVE it)!
  2. I am doing a considerable amount of behind the scenes improvements on my blog (including going through every recipe and adding nutrition information, better instructions, etc. etc.) and posting once a week frees me up to do that!
  3. I’m focusing on getting ahead with my content for the rest of the year during the summer when everyone is outside playing (and not browsing Pinterest)! This way I can be ready for the busy beginning of our homeschool year and blogging season!

So, here is the video we produced for you in June! More to come in July!

Paleo Zucchini Cookies

Moments 06.2018 JoyFoodSunshine

Healthy Fruit Salsa & Cinnamon Chips

Moments 06.2018 JoyFoodSunshine

Life with my tribe

Family Visits 

My step sister, who is also one of my oldest friends, and her family traveled through Salt Lake City this month. They stopped and spent a two days and a night with us and it was SO MUCH FUN! I absolutely love her and her family, and my kids were so excited to play with their cousins (twin boys who are about the same age as Naomi).

We went out to lunch, played in the park and went hiking! My kids are still talking about how much fun they had with their cousins, and are asking when they will come back and visit again! 😉

Moments 06.2018 JoyFoodSunshine

Trip to Texas

We traveled to Texas to celebrate my husband’s parents’ 40th wedding anniversary. It was the first time all of his family has been together in a very long time, and he had been looking forward to our trip for almost a year!

We spent the weekend swimming, boating, and spending time with family. There are 17 cousins on his side, and my husband’s sister made t-shirts for all of them with their birth order on the back! It just so happens that my kids’ birth order in the family also matched their birth years (e.g. Bethany is grandkid #11 and was born in 2011)! CRAZY!

The kids had so much fun hanging out with all their cousins, and of course, Mema and Pa. Ritch really enjoyed reconnecting with his siblings, and I just loved seeing my family so happy!

Moments 06.2018 JoyFoodSunshine

Father’s Day 

There is no one on the planet I’d rather celebrate than my babies’ daddy. Ritch is the best man I know, and is the only one I would ever want to raise kids with in this crazy world. He has the highest integrity of any person I have ever met, and always does the right thing and honors God, even when it’s hard. He loves, protects, provides for and supports me and our children better than I ever could’ve dreamed I’d deserve.

He adores being a daddy SO much, and cherishes every second we have with our kids. After a day of work he comes home and wrestles, reads to, and plays games with our crew joyfully. I wouldn’t be the woman or mother I am today if it wasn’t for him, and I know our children will feel the same when they’re old enough to understand how unbelievably blessed they are to have him as their Daddy.

On Father’s Day Mara was actually sick {pink eye} and the two of us had to stay home from church. But I was able to prepare a yummy father’s day feast which included pretzel bread, green beans, and steak! The kids and I made signs with reasons why we love him and we hung them all over the house to surprise him when he got home. It was a great day!

Moments 06.2018 JoyFoodSunshine

Our Garden

We started a garden in May, and it’s doing really well! We kept it super simple this year and are growing three varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini…and that’s it! 😉

Ritch built two of these garden boxes and they’re perfect for our family right now! One day I hope to have a larger garden, but for now it’s fun to teach our kids about planting, harvesting, etc. with our little boxes!


As always, we LOVE hiking as much as we can in the summer! So far we have enjoyed Silver Lake and Millcreek Canyon! Since our kids were sick SO much this month (ugh) we only got into the mountains twice, but we’re hoping to go much more the rest of the summer!

One of my favorite posts that I have written on my blog is my Complete Guide to Hiking with Kids! Definitely check it out if you’ll be enjoying some beautiful mountain scenery this summer!

Moments 06.2018 JoyFoodSunshine


Did you know that I grew up in the water? I basically lived at the pool from sun up to sun down every day from June-August. I was a swimmer, lifeguard, coach, and snack bar worker extraordinaire. I so desperately want to instill the love of swimming into all of my kids!

Our neighborhood has four pools, and there is one that we can walk to! I load up the stroller and we go for it! This summer I feel comfortable taking the kids by myself because Bethany is a strong swimmer, Gabe and Naomi wear puddle jumpers and Mara isn’t a newborn! It has been so fuN!

A few of my favorite things…

Vitamix Aer Container! 

Vitamix came out with a new container that works on both classic and smart model blenders and I LOVE IT! If you want to muddle, whip, or foam you CAN in the Vitamix! I have a few recipes and a review coming up in the next couple weeks, so stay tuned!


Floppy Straw Hat

Ok, I have never, ever worn a hat before this summer (except a baseball hat when I run in the rain). However, now that I dye my hair, I wanted to get a hat that would help me preserve the color! I went out on a limb and bought this one, and I LOVE IT! It’s cute and comfy and really covers my face, neck and shoulders!

Babyganics Sunscreen

I have used Babyganics sunscreen for a few years now. I recently ran out and bought a different brand in a pinch at Sprouts, and I loatheee it (it’s thick, doesn’t spread, etc. etc.)

Babyganics is a natural sunscreen that spreads easily, rubs in perfectly, and lasts! Since we are all fair-skinned, sunscreen is a must, and this one is by far my favorite! I order it on Amazon (usually subscribe and save) for the best deal!

Recipes I’m Making on Repeat

Here are a few recipes we enjoyed in June!

The BEST EVER Chocolate chip cookies!

If you haven’t made them, RUN and do it now!

Black Bean Brownies & Peanut Butter Frosting

The healthy dessert dream team right here.

Pretzel Bread

I made this for Ritch for Father’s Day, and I know it will be making an appearance for Ritch’s birthday in July as well, because it’s his favorite!

Well that’s all she wrote! I’d love to hear a highlight from your June! What are you looking forward to in July!?


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  1. Can I say Naomi looks EXACTLY like you, Laura. The other three kiddos look like the both of you, but Naomi is definitely your mini-me. 😉

  2. I can tell that your love for water has definitely translated to your children. And I love how much you love your hubby; I bet he felt so special with that Father’s Day feast. Oh yes, and my sister made the Brownie Peanut Butter Icecream Sandwiches for my birthday, and they were INCREDIBLE Laura. Thank you so so much. That family reunion looks like it was so much fun; we don’t have family reunions very much, but when they do happen they are such a blessing.

  3. I am excited to go to Europe in July with my mom! Once in a lifetime opportunity 🙂 Also, I think it’s great you are setting boundaries for a work/life balance to spend more time with your family this summer!